Safety in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is a safe place to travel !!

Your guide on how to travel to Uzbekistan safely. Safety and security rules, practical information and useful emergency numbers.

Safety in Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan is a country of low crime. Petty crime rates in Tashkent are comparatively low and there is a very visible police presence throughout the city. It is advised to make copies of your passports and visas. The matter of safety in Uzbekistan is essential, so there is not much to worry about safety of travels in Uzbekistan for tourists. The country is rather peaceful. Its policemen are rather strict, but if you carry the passport with yourself, they will not ask you too many questions. The procedure of checking documents is standard. In order to prevent crimes and ensure safety, all the entries to underground and railway stations, airports, theaters, concert halls, etc. are guarded by the police. It should be noted that the law in Uzbekistan requires all tourists undergo registration in the course of 72 hours since the moment of entry to the country. Foreign citizens can be registered in the hotel. Note: On the entry declare all the valuable things (portable computers, cameras, jewelry) and currency you have. Before leaving the country you should also maintain payment receipts obtained in hotel or inn in case the customs will ask to show it. The authorities take all the measures to ensure safety of national and foreign citizens.

Protecting Your Property
Simple rules should be followed when you walk on the streets, for example, do not display large sums of money. Visitors are urged to carry cash in a safe money belt, using hotel safes as much as possible for keeping passports, tickets and valuables. (This is applied to visitors in groups; individuals may need to have their passports at hand all the time). You should avoid the local gypsies (locally called 'louli') who gather near big sights and beg. If they approach, you should not stop for them and keep a firm hold of your possessions. If you have your property stolen, report it to the local police for insurance policies. Visitors in groups should fully rely on local ‘through’ guides to deal with the police.

All guests (except for tourist groups) are recommended to have their passports on them at all times. If stopped by the police, you will have to show them your passport and hotel registration card and follow them to the police station should they demand it. For such cases it is strongly desirable to have phone numbers of your respective Embassy and the travel company/person who sponsored your visa. It is also advisable to keep the above-mentioned travel company or person informed on your whereabouts and future plans. At times, Uzbek authorities will announce that some of the provinces or districts are either closed or of limited access for visitors is in effect there. Such measures are usually taken to ensure safety of visitors. Uzbekistan is a country with semi-transparent borders; some neighboring countries pursue different security policies and standards. Therefore, official recommendations need to be taken seriously.

It is prohibited to take pictures of airports, railway and subway stations. Also, it is not recommended to take photos while crossing border controls or moving through railway bridges.